Members > Redeeming Deals & Offers
How do I claim discounts at partnerd businesses?
To claim a Tickit at a partnered business you can follow these steps:
- Open the Find Card App
- Locate the business you’re visiting in two easy ways:
- Browse the available Deals/Offers.
- Search for the business by name.
- If you’ve already saved the offer you want to use, simply tap the ‘Saved’ icon for quick access.
- After locating the business’s listing, present it to the cashier at the counter. Then, click on the offer and select ‘Redeem’.
- After clicking the ‘Redeem’ button, the app will automatically show your name, membership ID, Time and Date.
- The employees of the partnered business will take photos of your phone for the redeemed details.Then you can now claim their offer and you are eligible for the discount shown.
(Note: some partnered businesses may require you to present your ID upon claiming).
Are the discounts available all the time?
To make the most of our discounts, please note that availability varies between partners. Some offers are always available, while others may have limited-time periods or specific conditions. For the most up-to-date information on each offer’s availability, check the details within the app
To make sure you don’t forget to claim a deal/offer before it expires, save it to your App.
Can I use the app in multiple locations or cities?
As we grow, yes, you can use the Find Card App in multiple locations or cities, provided that those areas are covered by our service and your subscription is active. You can explore and claim discounts from partnered businesses in different locations as long as they are part of Find Card and they don’t have any location based limitations listed in the details of their offer.
Are there any restrictions on the number of discounts I can claim in a day/week/month?
You can redeem as many discounts as you like within a given period, but the number will vary depending on the specific offer or deal. However, you cannot use the same discount from the same business multiple times.
How often are new discounts and businesses added to the app?
We continually update the app with new discount Deals/Offers and partner businesses. New offers will be added regularly, we will also inform you via our Social Medias and Newsletter so be sure to frequently to discover the latest deals.
Can I use the App in multiple locations or states?
As we grow, yes, you can use the Find Card App in multiple locations or cities, provided that those areas are covered by our service and your subscription is active. You can explore and claim discounts from partnered businesses in different locations as long as they are part of Find Card and they don’t have any location based limitations listed in the details of their offer.
Are there any restrictions on the number of discounts I can claim in a day/week/month?
You can redeem as many discounts as you like within a given period, but the number will vary depending on the specific offer or deal. However, you cannot use the same discount from the same business multiple times.
How often are new discounts and businesses added to the app?
We continually update the app with new discount Deals/Offers and partner businesses. New offers will be added regularly, we will also inform you via our Social Medias and Newsletter so be sure to frequently to discover the latest deals.
Are there any restrictions on the number of Deals/Offers I can claim in a day/week/month?
You can redeem as many discounts as you like within a given period, but the number will vary depending on the specific offer or deal. However, you cannot use the same discount from the same business multiple times.
How often are new discounts and businesses added to the app?
We continually update the app with new discount Deals/Offers and partner businesses. New offers will be added regularly, we will also inform you via our Social Medias and Newsletter so be sure to frequently to discover the latest deals.
How often are new discounts and businesses added to the app?
We continually update the app with new discount Deals/Offers and partner businesses. New offers will be added regularly, we will also inform you via our Social Medias and Newsletter so be sure to frequently to discover the latest deals.